Book a Service Call
Building Repairs in Occupied Commercial Premises
Repairs and Alterations
No job too small
- Bathroom Fixtures & Fittings
- Ceiling
- Whiteboards & Pictures
- Lighting
- Furniture and Shelving
- Doors and Hardware
- Relocations
- Flooring Repairs
- Patch and paint
- Drips & Leaks
make your workspace what you want
Prompt Service
- Trade Qualified
- Uniformed Staff
- OH&S Compliant
- Licensed Builder
- All Work Insured & Guaranteed
- Repairs to Appointment
where you work while you stay
Sydney Metro.
- Scheduled maintenance
- Urgent Restorations (fire and water damage)
- General Repairs
- Remedial Works
- Handyman Services
- High Specification Environments
To book a service call: