Occupied Premises

Laboratory & Medical

Children’s Cancer Institute of Australia

Original refurbishment of a single level laboratory rat accommodation and upgrade to PC2 standard while occupied and without compromise to laboratory environment or air quality. We returned to assist with the subsequent fit-out, expansion and extension to the same facility over two levels three years later to accommodate further expansion of the client’s research operations.

Hogg Laboratory - Randwick

This project involved the fit-out and commissioning of a new research development laboratory which included hazardous and flammable materials plus alterations to existing surrounding facilities with capacity to handle radioactive materials. All works were carried out to ensure suitable environmental and air quality conditions were maintained at all times and without interruption to laboratory operations or research activities.

Sue Mann Nursing Services – Platinum Building Erina.

Original fit-out of new offices and call centre operations for aged care home service provider. Followed by the extension of these facilities and operations into the adjacent tenancy three years later to accommodate a business expansion.